Tuesday, 19 August 2014

How to manage cash flow

As an entrepreneur, in startup, as you scale your business you will be wearing many hats, marketer, dev manager, programmer perhaps and possibly the one many seem to struggle with ... finance manager. As daunting as this sounds it is essential to have a good grasp of the finance function of your business. Understanding how you are going to get your "billion dollar" idea off the ground and actually generate some profit requires a good understanding of managing cashflows. 

Balancing your business cash flow via accounts payable vs. accounts receivable to generate optimum cashflow is a constant struggle. With these tips you you will find ways to balance you accounts and hopefully scale your startup to greater heights. 

Business Cash Flow Infographic

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Inside An Entrepreneur’s Brain

This is a great infographic presenting fascinating insights into what it actually takes to be an entrepreneur. In my experience, introspection and reflection are vital in developing the mental stamina for the startup journey (along with all the other traits mentioned here).

Startup Entrepreneurs
Source: TopManagementDegrees.com